Rear Admiral Dato’ Pahlawan Mohd Fadzli Kamal Bin Mohd Mohaldin

Rear Admiral Dato’ Pahlawan Mohd Fadzli Kamal Bin Mohd Mohaldin

Job Title
Director General
Defence Cyber And Electromagnetic Division
RAdm Mohd Fadzli Kamal was born in the Royal Town of Kuala Kangsar, Perak on 4 March 1967. He completed his secondary education at Royal Military College, Sungei Besi in 1984 before joining the Royal Malaysian Navy on 1 Sep 85. Upon being commissioned in 1987, his first appointment was as the Correspondence Officer on board KD HANDALAN. He spent most of his career serving the RMN Fleet on board KD RAHMAT, KD MUSYTARI, KD LAKSAMANA TAN PUSMAH, KD JEBAT and twice on board KD KASTURI and KD LAKSAMANA MUHAMMAD AMIN. His last tour of duty with the RMN Fleet was as the Commanding Officer of KD LEKIU while discharging the duty as Senior Officer Afloat of the RMN Armada. Among other appointments held were as Gunnery Officer, Anti Air Warfare Officer, Principal Warfare Officer and the Executive Officer of the Strike Flotilla’s ships. Prior to his present appointment, he had held the job as the Inspector General at the RMN HQ, the Commandant of the Malaysian Armed Forces Defence College, Chief of Staff at RMN Readiness HQ, Chief of Staff at Naval Region 2 HQ and Commanding Officer of RMN Leadership Centre. He was also the former Head of R&D cum Executive Officer at RMN Maritime Tactical Centre, PUSTAKMAR and served various appointments ashore at the Naval Education and Training Centre, KD PELANDOK. RAdm Fadzli attended various courses locally and abroad such as Air Defence Course, Junior Officer Command Course, Training Methodology, Quality Control as well as Internal/Lead Auditor courses. He also had the opportunity to undergo several courses in the United States, the Principal Warfare Officer Specialisation Course at HMS DRYAD, United Kingdom and the first crew training for the Laksamana Class Corvette in Italy. He graduated from Australian Command and Staff College in 2003 and holds a Master of Management in Defence Studies from University of Canberra and a Graduate Certificate in Maritime Studies from University of Wollongong. He acquired his second Master degree in Social Science (Defence Studies) from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) while attending the MAF Defence College in 2010. Later, he obtained the Master of Science in National Resource Strategy from the Eisenhower School of the National Defence University, Washington DC. He had the opportunity being involved as participant and speaker at numerous international seminars and conferences. RAdm Fadzli used to be a keen sportsman, having represented the MAF and RMN in the game of hockey, rugby and basketball during his younger days. He had once holds the job as the Deputy Treasurer of the Malaysian National Cycling Federation, the Secretary of MAF and RMN Cycling Association and the Chairman of RMN Basketball Association. He enjoys gardening and outdoor activities. He is happily married to Ms Shamsina binti Mohamed Salleh and blessed with four boys.