Miguel Angel Garcia Primo

Miguel Angel Garcia Primo

Job Title
Chief Executive Officer
Miguel Angel Garcia Primo is Master Aeronautical Engineer from the Higher Technical School of Aeronautical Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Madrid and Civil Servant in compassionate leave from the Spanish National Institute for Aerospace Technology (INTA) Advanced Scientifics body, belonging to the Ministry of Defense. Miguel has accumulated 35 years of experience in the aerospace sector, mainly as system engineer, program manager and Chief Operating and Technical Officer. Currently and since October 2019, Miguel is Chief Executive Officer of Hisdesat, the Spanish operator for government satellite services. Previously and since the company creation in 2001, Miguel has been the Chief Operating Officer and Chief Technical Officer of HISDESAT. From this position, he has managed the operations of the company and the satellite programs (MILSATCOM, Earth Observation and AIS by satellite). He belongs to the Board of Directors of the American company XTAR dedicated to secure communications satellites since 2005, the Spanish company Airbus DS GEO SGSA dedicated to geo-information services since 2008 and the Canadian company exactEarth dedicated to the Maritime Traffic Monitoring through an AIS satellites constellation since 2010 till December 2021. Miguel previously worked at the National Institute of Aerospace Technology INTA since 1989 until 2001, where his last position was Deputy General Manager for Research and Programs, both space and aeronautical. Miguel has several awards and honors, most notably the first class Cross to the Aeronautical Merit with white emblem in 1995 from the Spanish Air Forces and the Juan de la Cierva award of AENA Foundation in 1998, and has had numerous publications in journals and conferences. He is graduate in the XXXVI National Defense Course by the Higher Center for National Defense Studies CESEDEN in Spain. Miguel A. García Primo born and lives in Madrid. He is married and has two daughters.