Hermann Ludwig Moeller

Hermann Ludwig Moeller

Job Title
European Space Policy Institute
Hermann Ludwig Moeller is the Director of the European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) in Vienna, the European Think Tank on Space, promoting European Space Policy globally. ESPI is developing approaches to European Space Policy and is providing recommendations to European decision makers and institutions. Prior to joining ESPI, he held leading positions at ESA in the creation of EU Copernicus and in the preparation of the EU Secure Connectivity initiative as Head of Telecommunications Strategy, Programme and Transformation Office and as Head of Copernicus Space Segment Office. In these functions, Mr. Moeller has been operating with high level leadership in a complex multistakeholder policy environment with national space agencies, member states and delegations in public-private partnerships with industry, at EU level and EUMETSAT. Prior to that he held the ESA Douglas Marsh Fellow at NASA and contributed to the creation of the European Internet backbone. He acquired early professional experience at the European Patent OfficeHQ and Siemens HQ. Mr. Moeller holds a master degree in telecommunications, following studies at Technical University Darmstadt and Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Télécommunications (ENST) - Télécom Paris. He is of German nationality with working experience in Germany, Italy, the USA, The Netherlands, France and Austria, is married and father of four children