Philippe Rosius

Philippe Rosius

Job Title
GSMC manager, head of Security Operations and Monitoring
European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA)
Philippe Rosius joined the French Naval Academy in 1989. He served on several warships, deployed in operations, as head of department, operations officer, executive officer and commanding officer. After the war college in 2007, he was assigned to the Joint staff as Joint navigation programme officer, responsible – inter alia – for GNSS (GPS and GALILEO) for the joint staff in coordination with other ministries. As such he was part of the French inter-ministerial coordination on Galileo. After some years in Navigation, he joined the French Joint Space Command with responsibilities in space policy and cooperation with allies, NATO and EU, with a major involvement in Space situational awareness and EUSST initiative. Retired as a Navy captain, he joined the EU Agency for the Space Programme as manager of the Galileo Security Monitoring Centre and head of Security Operations and Monitoring department in November 2017.


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Next priorities of EUSPA programs in support of security missions